Monday, November 12, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning...

Wow – I can’t believe that I have reached task #23.

My internet connection has been playing up for the last week or so – so it has taken me awhile to be able to log on to my Blog to paste this last entry.

The course has been lots of fun – I would have liked to have more time to play around with the discovery exercises but unfortunately time did not permit – we have been low on staff. The other challenge we had at Vision Australia was more of a battle with Technology – our IT infrastructure doesn’t allow for Podcasts and has sometimes made some of the websites in accessible – (oh well we still managed to complete the tasks to the best our our abilities.)
I particularly enjoyed using YouTube, playing around with some of the graphics (Cube Generator) & photo packages. The take-aways were that I can make my blogs or websites a bit more interesting by using graphics etc – rather than just text only

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

#22 Audiobooks (or "The end is in sight")

This exercise was interesting as I work for the Vision Australia Library – we deal with non print materials – the formats that we mostly lend are Audio Books & Braille titles.

I had a bit of a play around with some of the sites
– in particular the Gutenberg Project.

It seemed to have quite a few books available for free. There were quite a few languages available. Some of the catalogue records may be useful if you are cataloguing at any stage.

The main downside that I noticed was that the titles were quite old – ones that are no longer under copyright. I tend to read more modern titles so there weren’t any that really caught my eye. But for anyone that is interested in the “Classics” they would have a field day.

#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts - First Attempt

I had a few problems getting on to some of these websites & then trying to play any Podcasts was impossible -- our internet has been on a go slow & has really been doing some "weird things" so I will leave this exercise for the moment. I will try my luck with #22 and then go back to #21 another day

Sunday, November 4, 2007

#20 You too can YouTube

This exercise was loads of fun, it was really addictive.

Once I had the Flash Reader and all of the software uploaded I was able to play the video clips with out any real hitch.
I was a bit apprehensive with playing some of the video clips – particularly at work as I wasn’t always sure of what footage they might contain.

I chose the clip listed above as I really like Kermit the Frog as a child – I really like him singing in this film clip.

The YouTube site was very user friendly and easy to use.

I think this site might be useful as you can research footage from films or characters. Some of the videos were quite educational.

The Library could use a feature like this to have a video to help clients orientate themselves around the library. Instructions/tutorials could be loaded instructing clients how to use the catalog.

#18 & #19 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

The links to both Activies #18 & #19 were the same so I have posted my results below.

I had a good poke around this website which is a Makes many Classifieds available.

The website is well and set out and very user friendly. It covers Car & Vehicles, Real Estate, Property for Rent, Jobs, Personals, Tickets, Pets – it is very comprehensive. You can search by Keyword and also narrow it down by location. The major drawback is that it is very US & UK centric, no Australian Content.

The other nice features that I noticed were
Scams: How to avoid scams – what to do and what not to do. Common Scams.
Link to International Student Exchange Program – Charities & Volunteer Opportunities.

The site would be quite interesting for Library Patrons in US/UK. It saves purchasing publications such as “The Trading Post “ It is very up to date.

Certainly working for a Non for Profit Organization here at Vision Australia it was certainly nice to see the Charities Option. If libraries are looking for volunteers to help with Home Services it would be a good place to advertise.

Even though the site didn’t have Australian content I had a lot of fun playing around with it.

#17 Playing around with PBWiki

I have added my blog to the favourite Blogs page.

I also added an entry about Thailand to the Favourite Vacation Spots.

It all seemed to go quite smoothly and was fairly uneventful.

The only painful thing was that the wiki was locked as someone else was editing…. This seemed to take forever!! Had to leave it for the day and try again the next day ... first thing in the morning I was able to log on to the site and add my link

Thursday, November 1, 2007

# 16 So What is in a Wiki?

Book Lovers wiki was interesting. My Role here at Vision Australia involves a great deal of Readers’ Advisory so this site looks very useful.

Library Success: was also lots of fun to poke around and covered a great many “librarianship” type topics

In General
Wikis are useful for research but the crucial point is to remember that they are not “authoritive”. It is great that the information is available freely but one must be aware that that the information is not always the most accurate or reliable.

Within Libraries Wikis could be useful for project work. It allows Librarian to learn from other Librarians. Wikis help librarians stop reinventing the wheel – it provides an avenue to share effective tips and tricks. There is an opportunity to access resources developed fellow librarians.

Wikis can provide a space to work on projects, share ideas, or collaboratively create documents - whatever you need. Wikis are great for getting the whole group involved in the creative process without having to send files back and forth.

#15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Away from the “icebergs”
By Rick Anderson
Director of Resource Acquisition
University of Nevada, Reno Libraries

I particularly liked this article – it was written in an “easy to read style” – it didn’t use any complicated jargon – which is always a nice relief.

The article discussed how “difficult, expensive and slow” it is to deal with information when it is in Hardcopy Format. It really no longer makes good business sense to continue with a hard Copy Collection – Electronic Format is the best way to go. As a Web 2.0 development continues patrons expect materials to be accessible in Digital Formats.

Libraries/Librarians should now concentrate on eliminating the “barriers” that exist in accessing the digital information – assist with seaching interfaces and ensuring that the interfaces are easy to use. Patrons will therefore be able to concentrate more on reading the information rather than losing precious time trying to work how an interface works.
It must be recognised that “In the post-print era, libraries no longer have the monopoly power they had in the days before the Internet”. Information has become much more accessible to many since the Digitial Age has taken off.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

#14 Technorati

Search Term "Learning 2.0"

Blog Posts 495 Results
Tags 105 Results
Blog Directory 333 Results

As you can see the search results varied depending on how narrowly I searched – as I expected when only searching Tags there were fewer hits. I didn't find any great surprises.

I decided not to tag my posts as I am not the type of person to get out there and broadcast my thoughts – I am a much more private person and would only really post and tag something if I had conducted a thorough Research Project at an advanced level – so that it would actually contribute some knowledge. I don’t generally talk just to hear the sound of my own voice or thoughts.

# 13 Tagging &

Tagging &

I had a good play around with it was lots of fun. The way the tagging is used is very useful, it is really handy to be able to enter different search terms and to have the information be returned in the results. The drawbacks are that it is easy to become inundated with relevant or not so relevant links!!

As is always the case I am not too sure about the validity of all of the entries!! Not sure how much this is to be trusted when doing research??

None-the-less it is a great tool for social interaction especially for those who may have a particular hobby or interest

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well it is Monday Morning - I feel a bit fresher after the weekend. I have had a bit of a play around with Rollyo and have added a couple to my Blog. I must say it looks quite impressive for the amount of work needed to set it up.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I played around with this for while, chose a range of books ranging from non fiction adult to Children's fiction

Here is the link to the LibraryThing site

I will now move on to the Rollyo .... wish me luck...

Generator - Rubik's Cube Generator

Here are the results of the Rubik's Cube Generator -- I have added my photo to the generator to get a nice blend of the two.

The Rubik's cube was fun to play around with -- it was a bit of a blast from the past.

Here is a link to the Rubik's Cube Generator


It has been fun playing around with the Generator -- it took a bit of nutting out but I got the hang of it and was able to post my results.

This one came from the Famous Star Generator -- here is the link in case anyone else wants to have a play around with the site

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

RSS Update

Well no need to save it for another day ... I managed to grab an extra couple of minutes to add the links to 2 colleagues blogs ... as far as I know I am now up to date with the Learning 2.0 Activities --- yeah!!!

RSS & News Feeds

RSS & News Feeds will be useful as they will save time. I will no longer have to visit various sites to keep abreast of what is happening in the world. It will be great having various information sources and web pages available in one spot.

At first there appeared to be loads of instructions on how to add the news feeds but once I got going it wasn’t as daunting as first thought, particularly as I had some help from my colleagues…

This is a Work in progress – I still need to add links to some of my colleagues Blogs – but I will save that task for another day…

Flickr Project
I have always liked frogs. I like their long gangly legs and how they can jump about so effortlessly. The vibrant green colour is very eye catching – it contrasts very well with the red background.
This photo appeals to me as it is quite unusual for cats to go near water & swimming pools. This little kitten is taking advantage of having the pool to himself whilst the kids are away.
This photo makes me want to go on a holiday and chill out on a nice topical island somewhere … the water looks very inviting. I would be quite happy to head off to the huts shown in the distance and curl up with a good book.

I enjoyed using Flickr – I loved looking at the photos – I have a background in photography so I enjoy going through other peoples happy snaps. I do however feel a little guilty about taking other peoples work and putting it up on my Blog. Adding the entry to my Blog seemed to be fairly straight forward and not too taxing.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Victorian Libraries Learning 2.0

Welcome to my first entry on this Blog

This is part of the Victorian Libraries Learning 2.0 Project.

I look forward to adding to this and learning in the weeks to come.